Our Mission
To be a place of healing, help, and hope, while equipping the body of Christ
to discover and fulfill their God-given destiny.
Why Life Church Exists
Worship: To celebrate God’s Presence
Ministry: To demonstrate God’s Love
Evangelism: To communicate God’s Word
Fellowship: To assimilate God’s Family
Discipleship: To educate God’s People
Who Is Life Church
First and foremost, Life Church of Charleston is a body of people that is endeavoring to become more Christ-like and also to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Life Church is a non-denominational church that welcomes all people, from all backgrounds, regardless of religious upbringing, or the lack thereof. We at Life Church understand that a relationship with Jesus Christ, based on God’s Word, is the most important thing in life, not what church you attend!
Life Church is a church that loves people and strives to see people’s lives dramatically improved by the influence of Jesus Christ.
We invite those who worship with us to lay aside any traditions that may be hindering you from worshiping God freely and move into a closer relationship with Him.
The beliefs of Life Church are firmly grounded in God’s Word, the Bible. Someone once asked, “What does Life Church believe?” The response to that question is, “We believe the Bible, and all that it says we can be!” When a person departs from religion and enters into a relationship with Jesus Christ, true freedom can be found and life becomes interesting and exciting as God’s Word is applied to that persons life without the hindrance of tradition.